
Seeking Brisbane woman for interesting, challenging and SAFE role-play.

This page isn’t about convincing, persuading, charming or seducing you.

It simply gives you the basics about the role play scene that is on offer.

Study it carefully. Think about it. Mull it over. Toss it around. Sleep on it if you must. And if there is a GENUINE interest, I'll be delighted to hear from you.

About us
Be clear: this is about an encounter. NOT a 'relationship'.

If a romantic connection is your need, then I am not for you. If complications are on your horizon, go find someone else. If you want to be seduced, or (Heaven forbid!) behave like a lady, then right now would be a good time to look elsewhere.

About me
I’m a clean, tidy, gainfully employed bloke. If you need a gym-fit Adonis with a lantern jaw and piercing eyes, then please go away. That isn’t me. If, on the other hand, you feel comfortable with a 49 year old who exercises a bit, likes a laugh, respects those who deserve it, is considerate and attentive, then all the better to eat you with, my dear.

The scene
This is about power and control for me. Submission for you.

HOWEVER, understand this: I am not into giving or receiving ANY kind of pain. Nor will I use physical force of any kind. If pain beyond a tap with a ruler or a light (and I MEAN light!) pinch is on your agenda, then I cannot help you. This encounter will ONLY be "gentle-but-firm".

For example....

You could take the role of an employee who has stolen money. You've been caught. And you must now reluctantly bend to my will or face being exposed to the law and your family as a thief.


You could take the role of a student who has been caught cheating—and will be exposed and expelled unless....

Yes, I know, all horrible stuff if in real life. But remember, this IS a role-play.

Whatever we come up with, my criteria are:

1. I must not be put in a position where force is required. If this happens, the scene will stop.
2. I must know your no-go limits beforehand, so I don't put you in a position that you don't want to be in.

More ideas required?

OK. Let me give you a feel for a possible scene.

.... the silence in the office is heavy, broken only by the faint traffic sounds in the distance. Everyone has gone home. The familiar hum of a busy office is gone. Only the two of you remain. Your nerves are on edge and you are wondering how on EARTH you could have been so stupid as to put yourself in this position.

He has just shown you the evidence, and clearly, you are caught. All that care covering your tracks for YEARS has been blown due to one stupid mistake. Now, the thought of the police and your family finding out about the money is too stomach-churning to contemplate...

"You fucking little bitch" he whispers. "$80 grand of MY money. Gone".

He reaches for the phone, beginning to dial.

"Who are you calling?" you ask, uncertainly.

He glances at you, before returning to the task "The police. You, young lady, are in trouble".

"Please don't" you whisper. "Isn't there a way...?"

He stops dialling. Puts the phone down slowly. Looks at you thoughtfully... evaluating.... thinking....

"Stand up. Come here beside my chair and put your hands on your head." You do so. Your knees weak with trepidation. You feel exposed and vulnerable as his eyes travel over your body, drinking in your curves.

He reaches over with a ruler, and lazily lifts the hem of your dress, staring at your exposed thighs" The edge of the ruler touches your skin. Softly. Briefly. Purposefully. You flinch and open your mouth to protest.

Before you can say anything, he barks "Stand STILL! And DON'T move until I tell you to!"

You tremble. Hating this. Hating being exposed. Hating yourself for getting into this impossible position.

And yet, there is excitement too. A sexual thrill from the tension....

"OK bitch, if you don't want me to call the law, there are some new rules for you to follow."

You nod. Silently. Knowing that all is lost...

"First up, you will NEVER ever wear stockings in my presence again. I want skin... your skin..... to touch... to caress.... to lick.... and if it suits me, to (pauses briefly. Leans forward and holds her dress with his fingers to free the ruler and taps her firmly with it ) explore.

"Explore?" you whisper, your voice shaking....

A word about expectations, safety and general housekeeping
Although you will do my bidding, you WILL have choices. (There is little point in this being 'all about me'.) Which is why we'll clarify your preferences, desires AND limits BEFORE we meet.

I have already covered the "gentle-but-firm" rule.

As far as general safety goes, you won't be coming to some dingy, back-street house. This is an office, in a busy street in a busy commercial area. It is perfect because it is discrete — you'll just look like any other shopper walking down the street as you approach, and then you simply duck in the entrance door. And, with businesses either side, it is safe.

And, one-more-time: while your limits/desires are important, I will NOT spend time wooing, charming or seducing you. This is about sex. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Courtesy and manners will be extended by me, and are expected from you. Appointments and agreements are to be kept.

Got it?

That's it. For now.


Then please reply. Tell me your thoughts/feelings about what you've just read—and we shall see how we can progress in a way that we are both comfortable with.

And when you get back to me, I'm keen to hear your ideas for a scene that appeals to you....

Have you been caught with your fingers in the till? Are you in police custody in a foreign port? In trouble with your headmaster? Taken at the roadside by a low-life?

Tell me your thoughts dear lady, and we shall see what we shall see.

Email me on



If you respond, please do so with the intention of meeting after a limited email dialogue. Yes, I'll happily answer questions by email. And naturally, we'll need to communicate about limits. But, I WON'T waste time with a long, drawn-out dialogue over weeks. Life is short. There are plenty of public places we can meet for a coffee or a drink to get to know each other to see if we want to progress—and doing so will tell us both that we are serious.

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